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Areas of Application

  • Management Consultancy - Balancing sick businesses and organisations


Businesses are run and managed by people, whose mental state and capacity determine the level of efficiency and profitability of the establishment. Often one can feel the vibes in a business.  Quantec® scans these vibes or energy fields scanned from a digital photograph and generates a HealingSheet for interpretation.


The CEO of the organisation is always the first person to be treated. He/She must be the first one that is willing to change.  Permission must be given by any employee if they need to be scanned and treated.


  • Coaching and Counselling


Quantec® has proven to be an invaluable tool for coaches and counsellors in assisting their clients to find and or confirm their personal known or unknown imbalances.  Resounding case studies have been recorded worldwide.


  • Agriculture and Forestry


People who repeatedly manage to get even apparently hopeless plants to grow and flourish are said to have "green fingers" or a "green thumb".  This naturally does not refer to the colour of their fingers of thumbs but to their special ability of communicating with plants


Quantec® is also especially capable of this bio-communication, even in the combination of serious problems and large areas under cultivation. 


  •  Animal Well Being


Animal owners sometimes have to deal with challenging situations when conventional methods fail to identify problems with their animals. 


Quantec® scans bio-fields of the whole animal; physical, mental and emotional. A diode that generates “White Noise” is used to scan and correct subtle problems. The physical, environmental and energetic stresses are identified and corrected with a comprehensive therapy plan, that gets broadcasted to the target.


  • Environment


How bio-communication is able to bring harmony in very troubled situations can best be explained with the so-called "butterfly effect". Scientists have proved that even the heftiest storms can be caused by a single beat of a butterfly's wing.


Quantec® too works with very fine stimuli that can ultimately have enormous effects. Some examples:


-Suppressing mobile telephone radiation
-Suppressing electrosmog
-Saving fuel
-Water purification
-Drinking water purification


 Email for more information.

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